Saturday, December 25, 2010

Diploma in Business Management(DBM)

As Singapore continues to gain prominence as an international business centre well-placed to ride on this wave of economic transformation, there will always be a demand for professionals in the areas of Business Management, Human Resource, Supply Chain, Retail and Customer Relationship Management.

DBM design to develop graduates with a solid foundation in broad-based areas of business management with strong entrepreneurial skills and ICT based learning application taking centre-stage.

Before their Year 2 starts, Students are to choose one of the following four Options to major in:
·         Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
·         Human Resource Management (HRM)
·         Supply Chain Management (SCM)
·         Retail Management (RM)  

This course aims to:
·         provide students with a comprehensive broad-based business education through carefully selected core business modules and an understanding of business process development and operation;
·         provide an adequate level of specialization through careful selection and phasing of technical modules within the option and course;
·         enable total student development through a value-added education, training and other capabilities development including developing an entrepreneurial mindset;
·         train and develop students in a practice-oriented learning environment such as our unique Teaching Enterprise Project (TEP), industrial placement programmes and case study-based learning;
·         enable students to develop essential life-long skills such as creative and logical thinking, problem-solving and analytical abilities, communication, interpersonal and IT skills; and
·         Develop students with a regional and global mindset who can contribute productively in a borderless business world.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such a nice information on Business Management, for more details click on School of Business Management.
